About Our Campaigns
Postcard marketing can be an effective way for businesses to reach both new and existing clients. However, the cost of traditional campaigns can be quite high, making it difficult to impossible for a single business to consistently send out postcards to their local area.
And consistency is key when it comes to marketing!!
Our goal is to help make postcards significantly more affordable, while still being able to reach a large number of local residents. To accomplish this we offer group postcard campaigns
We use a large 9x12 postcard, with ad spots for up to 16 businesses to display their ad/offer.
Each campaign is mailed out monthly to between 4500-5000 residential address in your local area. In most cities we're able to map out between 4-10 groups of mailing routes to ensure that your postcard is reaching new people for several months, before circling back around.
This is beneficial because it gives you the ability to both reach a large audience as well as to reach repeat customers over a period of time.
If you're interested in advertising your business on one of our postcards, you can Click Here to submit a request to get on our waiting list.
Browse this app to learn more...
Ron Schrader, Owner